Refereed Publications (at least 2 referees) ↑
- “Human Resource Development in Toyota Culture,” to appear in International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 2009 (primary author with Michael Hoseus).
- “Further Motivation for Continuous Improvement in Just-In-Time Logistics,” to appear in IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2009, (second author with Kuo-Ting (Ken) Hung and Young Ro)
- “Lean Job Design and Musculoskeletal Disorder Risk Exposure: A Japanese and American Plant Comparison,” Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, vol. 19, no 5, 2009 (third author with Sarah Womack and Thomas Armstrong).
- “Evolving Models of Supplier Involvement in Design: The Deterioration of the Japanese Model in U.S. Auto,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2007 (second author with Young Ro and Sebastian Fixson).
- “The Toyota Production System and Art: Making highly customized and creative products the Toyota Way,” International Journal of Production Research, 2007 (second author with Eduardo Lander)
- “A Simulation Study of Pull System Responsiveness Considering Production Condition Influences,” International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering (second author with Kuo-Ting (Ken) Hung), 2007.
- “Modularity as a Strategy for Supply Chain Coordination: The Case of U.S. Auto,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol 54, No. 1, pp 172-189, Feb. 2007 (second author with Young Ro and Sebastian Fixson).
- “Taking the Toyota Way to Professional Service Operations: The Case of Lean Product Development,” Academy of Management Executive, forthcoming (Sept., 2006), (primary author with James Morgan).
- “Building Deep Supplier Relationships,” Harvard Business Review, December, 2004: 104-113 (primary author with Tom Choi).
- “Modularisation and Outsourcing: Who drives whom? – A Study of Generational Sequences in the U.S. Automotive Cockpit Industry” International Journal of Automotive Technology Management, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 166-183 (second author with Sebastian Fixson and Young Ro)
- “Involving Suppliers in Concurrent Engineering: Learning from Japan in U.S. Auto,” International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, Vol. 6, issue 3/4, 2004: 214-240 (second author with Young Ro and Laurent Langlet).
- “What is Lean Ship Construction and Repair?,” Journal of Ship Production, Vol. 18, No. 3, August, 2002, pp. 121-142 (primary author with Thomas Lamb).
- “Supply Chain Management as an Emerging Focus of Technology Management,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2002 (second author with Thomas Choi).
- “Japanese Automakers, U.S. Suppliers and Supply-Chain Superiority,” Sloan Management Review, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 81-93, 2000 (primary author with Yen-Chun Wu).
- “Application of Multiattribute Decision Analysis to Quality Function Deployment for Target Setting.” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C, Vol. 31, Number 3, pp. 366-382, 2001 (third author with John Cristiano and Chelsea White III).
- “Key factors in the successful application of Quality Function Deployment (QFD),” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 48, No. 1, 2001: 81-95 (second author with John Cristiano and Chelsea White III).
- “Customer-Driven Product Development through Quality Function Deployment in the U.S. and Japan,” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 17, pp. 286-308, 2000, (second author with John Cristiano and Chelsea White, III).
- “Principles from Toyota’s Set-Based Concurrent Engineering Process,” Sloan Management Review, Volume 40, No. 2, 1999 (third author with Durward Sobek and Allen Ward).
- “Collaborating with Suppliers in Product Development: A U.S. and Japan Comparative Study,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 46, No. 4, 1999: 441-461, Winner of Best Paper Award for 1999 (second author with Nazli Wasti).
- “The Asia-Pacific Context for Technology Management,” Guest Editorial for IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 210-219, 1998 (primary author with David Gibson and Yenchun Wu).
- “Flexibility and Standardization: Test of a Contingency Model of Product Design-Manufacturing Integration,” The Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 248-267, 1999.(primary author with Paul Collins and Frank Hull).
- “Supplier Involvement in Design: A Comparative Survey of automotive suppliers in the U.S., U.K., and Japan,” The International Journal of Quality Science, Vol. 3, 3, 1998, pp. 214-238 (primary author with Rajan Kamath and Nazli Wasti).- 1999 Litrati Club Award for Excellence
- “Another Look at how Toyota Integrates Product Development,” Harvard Business Review, Vol. 76, No. 4, July-Aug.,1998, pp. 36-50 (second author with Durward Sobek and Allen Ward).
- “Bringing Japanese Continuous Improvement Approaches to U.S. Manufacturing: The roles of process orientation and communications,” Decision Sciences, Vol. 26, No. 5, 1995, 589-620 (second author with Tom Choi).
- “Risky Business or Competitive Power? Supplier involvement in Japanese product design,” The Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol 14:5, 1997, pp. 337-355 (second author with Nazli Wasti).
- “Composite Forms of Organization as a Strategy for Concurrent Engineering Effectiveness,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 43, No. 2, 1996, 133-142 (third author with Paul Collins and Frank Hull).
- “User Acceptance of Expert Systems: A test of the theory of reasoned action,” Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 14, 1997, 147-173 (primary author with Ahmed Sindi).
- “Supplier Involvement in Automotive Component Design: Are there really large U.S./Japan differences?,” Research Policy, Vol. 25: 59-89, 1996 (first author with Rajan Kamath, Nazli Wasti, Mitsuo Nagamachi) (reprinted in Global Supply Chain Management, edited by M. Kotabe and M. Mol, Edward Elgar Publishing LTD, 2005.
- “Involving Suppliers in Product Development in the U.S. and Japan: Evidence for Set-Based Concurrent Engineering,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 43, No. 2, 1996: 165-177, ( (primary author with D. Sobek, A. Ward, J. Cristiano).
- “The Second Toyota Paradox: How Delaying Decisions Can Make Better Cars Faster,” Sloan Management Review, Spring, 1995: 43-61. (second author with A. Ward, D. Sobek, J. Cristiano). Winner of 1997 Shingo Prize for Excellence in Manufacturing Research.
- “A Second Look at Japanese Product Development,” Harvard Business Review, Nov.-Dec., 1994: 154-173 (equal author with Rajan Kamath). Winner of 1995 Shingo Prize for Excellence in Manufacturing Research.
- “Social Impacts of Advanced Manufacturing Technology: A Review of Recent Studies and Contingency Formulation.” Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 10, 1993: 229-264 (primary author with Ann Majchrzak and Thomas Choi).
- “Electronic Meeting Systems: Evidence from a Low Structure Environment,” Information Systems Research, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1992: 195-223 (second author with Poppy McLeod).
- “Who Controls the Technology in Group Support Systems? Determinants and Consequences,” Human-computer Interaction, Vol. 8, No. 3, 1993 (second author with Laurel Austin and Poppy McLeod).
- “Institutional Conformity and Technology Implementation: A process model of ergonomics dissemination,” Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 9, 1992: 155-195 (second author with Thomas Choi).
- “Fulfilling the Promises of CAD: Integrating Technology and Organization,” Sloan Management Review, Vol. 33, No. 3, 1992: 74-86 (primary author with Mitch Fleischer and Dave Arnsdorf).
- “The Hidden Professionals: Product Designers and their Impact on Design Quality, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 39, No. 3, 1992: 254-264 (second author with Mitchell Fleischer).
- “Process Feedback in Task Groups: An application of goal setting” Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Vol. 28, No. 1, 1992: 15-41 (second author with Poppy McLeod and Sharon Lobel).
- “Designers and their Machines: CAD Use and Support in the U.S. and Japan,” Communications of ACM, Vol. 35: 2 (February), 1992: 76-95 (primary author with Mitch Fleischer, Mitsuo Nagamachi, and Mike Zonnyville).
- “Implementing Computer-Aided Design: The transition of non-users,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 36:3, 1989: 180-190 (primary author with Mitchell Fleischer).
- “Supplier dependence and innovation: A contingency model of suppliers’ innovative activities,” Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 7, 1990, 111-127 (second author with Rajan Kamath).
- “The strengths and limitations of lecture-based training in the acquisition of ergonomics knowledge and skill,” International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 5, 1990: 147-159 (primary author with Sue Evans, Sheryl Ulin and Brad Joseph).
- “A comparative analysis of participatory ergonomics programs in U.S. and Japan manufacturing plants,” International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 3, 1990: 185-199 (primary author with Mitsuo Nagamachi and Yair Lifshitz)
- “Survey-guided change in ship design and production: Prospects and limitations,” Journal of Ship Production Research, Vol. 4, No. 2, May 1988.
- “Organizational systems barriers to engineering effectiveness.” In IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. EM-33, No. 2, May 1986 (primary author with W. Hancock).
- “Changing everything all at once: work life and technological change,” Sloan Management Review, 28: 4, pp. 29-48, 1987 (primary author with D. Roitman and E. Roskies).
- “Winners and losers: employee perceptions of their company’s technological transformation, ” Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 9, 123-137, 1988. (second author with E. Roskies and D. Roitman).
- “A day at the races: A study of IQ, expertise, and cognitive complexity.” In Journal of Experimental Psychology-General, Vol. 115, No. 3, 1986. (with Steven Ceci; equal authors).
- “Birthing a factory of the future: When is all at once too much?,” in Corporate Transformation: Revitalizing Organizations for a Competitive World, by Ralph H. Kilman and T. Covin, (Eds.), San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1987. (second author with D. Roitman and E. Roskies).
- “Panel data and models of change: a comparison of first difference and conventional two-wave models.” Social Science Research 14: 80-101, 1985 (with G. Duncan and S. Augustyniak; equal authors).
- “Parent-Child behavior in the Great Depression: life course and intergenerational influences.” Life-Span Development and Behavior, Vol. 6, pp. 109-158, P. Baltes and O. Brim (Eds.), New York: Academic Press (second author with G. Elder and C. Cross), 1984.
- “Hard-Times in lives: historical influences from the 1930’s to old age in postwar America.” in Life-Span Developmental Psychology: Historical and Cohort Effects, K.A. McCluskey and H.W. Reese (Eds.), New York, Academic Press, 1984 (second author with G. Elder and B. Jaworski).
- “Linking theory and method in models of change.” Life Course Dynamics From 1968 to 1980 , G. Elder (Ed.) New York: Cornell University Press, 1985 (with G. Duncan and S. Augustyniak; equal authors).
- “Economic pressure and marital relations in the 1930’s.” American Sociological Review, Vol. 48, pp. 343-359, 1983, (primary author with G. Elder).
- “Hard times in women’s lives: historical influences across 40 years.” American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 88, pp. 241-269, 1982, (second author with G. Elder).
- “Analyzing sequential categorical data on dyadic interaction.” Psychological Bulletin, 91(2): 393-403, 1982, (second author with P. Allison).
- “Wage and status effects of employment on affective well Being among ex-felons.” American Sociological Review, 47(2): 264-283, 1982.
- “Economic burdens on the families of released prisoners: evidence from the TARP experiments.” Cornell Journal of Social Relations, 16(1): 11-27, 1981.
Books ↑
- Liker, J.K., Ettlie, J.E., and Campbell, J.C. (editors), Engineered in Japan: Japanese Technology Management Practices, N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 1995 (Edited volume of research based on the U.M. Japan Technology Management program). Winner of 1996 Shingo Prize for Excellence in Manufacturing Research.
- Liker, J.K. (editor), Becoming Lean: Inside Stories of U.S. Manufacturers. Portland, Oregon: Productivity Press, 1997. Winner of 1998 Shingo Prize for Excellence in Manufacturing Research.
- Fleischer, M. and Liker, J.K., Concurrent Engineering Effectiveness: Integrating product development across organizations. Cincinnati, OH: Hanser-Gardner, 1997.
- Liker, J.K., Fruin, M., and Adler, P. (editors), Remade in America: Transplanting and transforming Japanese Production Systems , N..Y.: Oxford University Press, 1999.
- Liker, J.K., The Toyota Way: Fourteen Management Secrets from the World’s Greatest Manufacturer, McGraw-Hill, 2004.
- Liker, J.K. and David Meier, The Toyota Way Fieldbook, McGraw-Hill, 2006.
- J. Morgan and Liker, J.K., The Toyota Product Development System: Integrating People, Process, and Technology, Productivity Press, 2006. Winner of 2007 Shingo Prize for Excellence in Manufacturing Research.
- Liker, J.K. and David Meier, Toyota Talent: Developing People the Toyota Way, McGraw-Hill, 2007 (2007 getAbstract Top Ten English Business Books, Financial Times Germany)
- Liker, J.K. and Michael Hoseus, Toyota Culture: The Heart and Soul of the Toyota Way, McGraw-Hill, 2008. Winner of 2009 Shingo Prize for Excellence in Manufacturing Research.
Shorter Commentary ↑
- “Inept, Misguided, or Caught Between Competing Paradigms? A Reply to Wells and Locke & Latham,” Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Vol. 28, No. 1, 1992: 54-61 (second author with Poppy McLeod and Sharon Lobel).
- “IQ and Reasoning Complexity: The role of experience,” Journal of Experimental Psychology-General, Vol. 116, No. 3, 304-306, 1987. (with S. Ceci; equal authors)
- “Stalking the IQ-Expertise Relation: When the Critics Go Fishing,” Journal of Experimental Psychology-General, Vol. 117, No. 1, 96-100, 1988. (with S. Ceci; equal authors)
- Book review of “Performance by Design,” Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Vol.11, 1994: 73-77.
- Book review of “Technological development as an evolutionary process,” Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Vol. 6, Nos. 3&4, 319-322, 1990.
Book Chapters ↑
- Karlin, J. and J.K. Liker, “Just-In-Time and Trucking Logistics: The Lean Learning Enterprise,” chapter in Dale Belman and Chelsea White, Trucking in the Age of Information, Ashgate Pub, 2005.
- Ro, Y., Fixson, S., and J.K. Liker, “Modularity and Supplier Involvement in Product Development,” chapter in C. Loch, Ed., Research Handbook on New Product Development, Kluwer Pub., expected 2006.
- Liker, J.K., Haddad, C. and Karlin, J., “Perspectives on Technology and Work Organization,” Peer reviewed chapter for the 1999 Annual Review of Sociology.
- “Bringing Lean back to the U.S.,” Chapter 1 in J.K. Liker (editor), Becoming Lean: Inside Stories of U.S. Manufacturers. Portland, Oregon: Productivity Press, 1997.
- “What have we learned about becoming lean?,” Chapter 15 in J.K. Liker (editor), Becoming Lean: Inside Stories of U.S. Manufacturers. Portland, Oregon: Productivity Press, 1997.
- “The Donnelly Production System: Lean at Grand Haven.,” Chapter 8 in J.K. Liker (editor), Becoming Lean: Inside Stories of U.S. Manufacturers. Portland, Oregon: Productivity Press, 1997 (with Keith Allman; primary author).
- “Bringing Japanese Management Systems to the U.S.: Transplantation or Transformation?” Chapter 1 in Liker, J.K., Fruin, M., and Adler, P. (editors), Remade in America: Transplanting and transforming Japanese Production Systems, N..Y.: Oxford University Press, 1999 (with Mark Fruin and Paul Adler; primary author).
- “Recontextualization and Factory-to-Factory Transfer from Japan to the U.S.: The Case of NSK,” Chapter 4 in Liker, J.K., Fruin, M., and Adler, P. (editors), Remade in America: Transplanting and transforming Japanese Production Systems, N..Y.: Oxford University Press, 1999 (with M.Y. Brannen and M. Fruin; second author).
- “Involving the Supply Chain in Design,” in Handbook of Total Quality Management, London: Chapman & Hall, 1999. (with N. Wasti; primary author).
- “Integrating Suppliers into Fast-Cycle Product Development,” chapter in Engineered in Japan: Japanese Technology Management Practices, by J.K. Liker, J.E. Ettlie, and J.C. Campbell (Eds.), 1995, N.Y.: Oxford U. press. (with R. Kamath, N. Wasti, and M. Nagamachi; primary author).
- “Toyota, Concurrent Engineering, and Set-based Design.” chapter in Engineered in Japan: Japanese Technology Management Practices, by J.K. Liker, J.E. Ettlie, and J.C. Campbell (Eds.),1995, Oxford U. press.–(with A. Ward, J. Christiano,and D. Sobek; fourth author).
- “Designing the Human Infrastructure for Technology.” Organization and Management of Advanced Manufacturing, by W. Karwowski and G. Salvendy (Eds.) N.Y.: John Wiley & Sons, 1994 (primary author with Ann Majchrzak).
- “Organizational context Barriers to DFM in large U.S. corporations,” Integrating Design and Manufacturing for Competitive Advantage, edited by G. Susman, Oxford University Press, 1992 (primary author with Mitch Fleischer).
- “Participatory Ergonomics in two U.S. Automotive Plants,” (primary author with S. Ulin and B. Joseph), Participatory Ergonomics, by A Imada and K. Noro (Eds.), Taylor & Francis, 1991.
- “Academic and Non-Academic Intelligence: An Experimental Separation,” Practical Intelligence: Origins of Competence in the Everyday World, R.J. Sternberg and R.K. Wagner (Eds.), Cambridge U. Press, 1986. (Invited paper with Steven Ceci; equal authors).
- “Intragenerational Analysis of Motivation and Economic Mobility,” Chapter 5 in Motivation and Economic Mobility, by Martha Hill (Ed.), Ann Arbor: ISR Research Report Series, 1985 (with Greg Duncan and Sue Augustyniak; equal authors).
- “Disentangling the Efficacy-Earnings Relationship Among White Men,” Five Thousand American Families–Patterns of Economic Progress, Greg Duncan and James Morgan (Eds.), Ann Arbor: ISR, 1983, co-authored with G. Duncan (equal authors).
- “Family Prestige Judgements: Real World Complexities,” Chapter 4 in Measuring Social Judgements: The Factorial Survey Method, P.H. Rossi and S.L. Nock (Eds.), Beverly Hills: Sage Pub., 1982.
- “Nobody Knows the Troubles I’ve Seen: Post-release Burdens on the Families of Released Prisoners,” Appendix B in Money, Work and Crime, P.H. Rossi, R.A. Berk, & K.J. Lenihan, New York: Academic Press, 1980.
- “Post-release Social and Psychological Adjustment Patterns,” Chapter 8 in Money, Work and Crime by P.H. Rossi, R.A. Berk, & K.J. Lenihan, New York: Academic Press, 1980, (second author with P.H. Rossi).
Published Proceedings ↑
- “Modularity & Outsourcing: A Study of Generational Sequences in the U.S. Automotive Cockpit Industry,” Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Management Conference, New Orleans, 2004 (third author with Sebastian Fixson and Young Ro).
- “Integrating Product Development through the Supply Chain,” proceedings of Second World Conference of Management, International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management, Dallas, August, 1994 (primary author with Rajan Kamath, Nazli Wasti, Mitsuo Nagamachi).
- A. Ward, J. Liker, D. Sobek, J. Cristiano (1994) “Set-based Concurrent Engineering: A new paradigm.” Proceedings, ASME Design Theory and Methodology Conference,May.
- “The Supplier Role in Product Development: Are there still U.S./Japan differences?,” presented at 1994 Academy of Management conference, Dallas, Selected for Best Paper Proceedings and runner up for best paper award (primary author with Rajan Kamath, Nazli Wasti, Mitsuo Nagamachi).
- A. Ward, J. Liker, D. Sobek, J. Cristiano (1994) “Set-based Concurrent Engineering: A New Paradigm.” Proceedings of ASME 1994 Design Theory and Methodology Conference, May 13.
- “Integrating Product Development through the Supply Chain,” Proceedings of Second World Conference of Management, International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management, Dallas, August, 1994 (primary author with Rajan Kamath, Nazli Wasti, Mitsuo Nagamachi).
- “Value Orientations, Communication Networks, and their Effects on Continuous Improvement,” presented at 1993 Academy of Management conference, Atlanta, Selected for Best Paper Proceedings, runner up for best paper award (second author with Tom Choi).
- “Determinants and patterns of control over technology in a computerized meeting room,” to appear in proceedings of the third conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 1990 (second author with L. Austin and P. McLeod).
- “Ergonomic knowledge in a U.S. automotive plant: Correlates of practical and theoretical Job Analysis Capabilities.” In H.W. Hendrick and O. Brown (Eds.) Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management, Vol. 2. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1986 (primary author with B.S. Joseph and T.J. Armstrong).
- “Group Decision Making in an Ergonomics Program in a U.S. Automotive Plant: Correlates of Successful Meetings.” In H.W. Hendrick and O. Brown (Eds.) Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management, Vol. 2. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1986 (second author with B.S. Joseph and T.J. Armstrong).
- “From Ergonomic Theory to Practice: Organizational Factors Affecting the Utilization of Ergonomic Knowledge.” In Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management, H.W. Hendrick and O. Brown, Jr. (Eds.), Amsterdam: North Holland, 1984 (primary author with Thomas Armstrong and Bradley Joseph).
- 12. “Quality Design for Manufacturing: Rationale and Case Study,” Proceedings from 1985 Automotive Computer Graphics Conference, Detroit, December, 1985 (second author with Avi Lowy).
- “Improving the Productivity of the White Collar Work Force – New Methods.” Institute of Industrial Engineers: 1983 Fall, Industrial Engineering Conference Proceedings (second author with W. Hancock).
Invited Professional Journal Articles ↑
- “Leading the Transformation to Lean Manufacturing,” Industry Week Growing Companies, May, 1999, pp. 14-15.
- “Advanced Planning Systems as an Enabler of Lean Manufacturing,” Automotive Manufacturing and Production, February, 1999.
- “Engineering for Lean Manufacturing: A cross-functional process,” Automotive Manufacturing and Production, December, 1998.
- “Lean Manufacturing Engineering,” Manufacturing Engineering, p. 120, June, 1998.
- “An Evolving Partnership,” ActionLine, November, 1994, pp. 32-34, (with M. Fleischer; second author).
- “Work Environment Survey Generates Ideas on Improving the Productivity of the White Collar Work Force,” Industrial Engineering, July, 1984 (primary author Invited Paper with Walton Hancock). Reprinted in Success Stories in Productivity Improvement, by Jerry Hamlin (Ed.), Georgia: Industrial Engineering and Management Press, 1985 and Developing Work Standards, by William Oakes (Ed.), Georgia: IEM Press, 1985.